How it works

1 minutes read

IGBIO How it works

In this article we are going to cover the basics of how IGBIO works. From projects to biolinks, and from statistics to paid packages.

What makes IGBIO different from other competitors?

Fist of all, our free tier includes far more features than any other competitor. We are always working on improving our platform, adding more capabilities not only for the paid users but for our free plan as well.

At IGBIO, you can organice your biolinks inside projects, that way you can separate work pages from personal, or if you are a freelancer/agency you can group your clients pages inside different spaces, and so on.

Biolinks? What's that?

It is the way we call each profile page you create, that's the link you generate for adding on your social profiles.

How does projects works and how can I use them?

A project is a separated space you can use to group your biolink pages. There you will have a quick stats snapshot of your overall performance.

This is the first thing you create when you access to your account the first time. After creating a project, you can click to go inside it, and create your first biolink page.

How many links can a biolink have?

Unlimited, that's right, it doesn't matter if you are on a free or paid plan, you can add as many links as you want.

Just keep in mind that having tons of links and buttons wont work very well if you want to achive maximum performance getting your traffic to the right place.

Keep it simple, focus on the best performing contents and that way you will get higher conversions rates.

Last updated on: 19 July, 2020